Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break, in one day

I know, I haven't posted all break. Believe it or not, I've actually been somewhat busy.
Mornings start with me failing to get out of bed.
Then I get out of bed way later than intended, more tired for the previous effort.
Then I eat breakfast. Usually this is fruits and nuts, but today it was pancakes.
Then I engage in the manly rituals necessary for preparing oneself to look nice in front of society (aka, shave, shower, brush teeth).
Then I go to Olympic weightlifing training, which is amazingly awesome because I get to move heavy things in cool ways, utilizing my entire body's muscle system working in perfect synchrony. It's pretty snazzy. The only problem is, unlike regular weight training, my entire body is sore from it. My arms more than my legs, because they're weaker generally, but my entire back is sore, anything remotely associated with my shoulders, hamstrings, even my feet. But the sensation of directing all that explosive muscle energy, coordinated by well-timed nerve action, is euphoric. And my handstand is now several seconds off the wall, which I blame on the strengthening of the stabilizers from holding a barbell over my head several times a day. Apparently, I'm really good at it (in terms of technique, not weight. I'm still only moving 65lb or  little move)
Then I go home and do one of a few things:
Yesterday, I worked all day on my BA (and got surprisingly little done). The day before that, I plastered campus with fliers for a Palestinian-Israeli youth dialogue event I'm organzing. You should come. It's Thursday from 7-8:30 in Social Sciences 122. Unless you're against peace in the Palestine/Israel, it should be really cool. The day before that, I searched for jobs.

For those of you that are concerned, I have lots of ideas now.
The one I like the most is an internship at the Middle East Institute in Washington DC. It, however, does not pay, but I think it leaves enough time to get another job doing something like lifeguarding or watering plants. There are also wilderness leader-type things, Outward Bound, an internship at the Ely Wolf Center (which does pay...), and applying to a course in environmental organizing. I plan to take the Foreign Service Exam, because it's free and I'd like to eventually serve in the foreign service, so exposure would help.

Today, I will be finishing my BA, polishing up a new website I've been working on for Hwa Rang Do, contacting some people are working with Iraqi refugees in Chicago, contacting some people about teaching music to children in Hyde Park, maybe grappling with an HRD buddy, and hopefully will hang out with someone. It's been a long cold lonely spring break, but I've done okay.

Oh yeah, and I went running yesterday. Four 800m runs, at 2:42, 2:34, 2:38, and 2:36. To give you an idea of how fast that is, the men's record (the best and fastest among people who run every day and nothing else) is 1:54. So, yeah, I'm pretty happy. This was also after me weightlifintg and doing front squats and cleans, which do use the legs.

I miss my family and especially my sister. Love you all.


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