Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Frolicking with Klara

Yesterday, and the day before, Klara and I jogged to the point and frolicked, which literally meant we played like little kids at a park. Besides jogging around for a bit, we raced each other to a tree (I ran on all fours, in a move called a kong, like how cats run). I then proceeded to climb a massive, huge, gigantic tree with really spread out thick branches. It was a bit higher than I'd anticipated, but I got down okay by shimmying upside down along one of the long branches that came close to the ground. I kind of tore up my forearms, but as Calvin and Hobbes maintain, it hasn't been a good day unless you've got grass stains on your knees, or something like that.

Then, we jogged over to the beach and I tried to pick Klara up over my shoulder, but she wasn't helping, so I didn't get her over my shoulder, but I could have if she hadn't been resisting my simulated kidnapping attempt. Sprinting in sand is really hard, by the way, and we should all do more of it. It was tons of fun, and I felt very child-like trying to do handstands in the sand with the crazy Chicago wind blowing me over all the time. And my glasses came off, a lot. Kind of a problem. If you can't do handstands, dive rolls, and flips without glasses coming off, what good are they?

Basically, it was so nice just letting my body run into things, climb up things, crawl over things, invert itself, find new and unusual ways to interact with the world. When was the last time you went out and romped in the yard? Sure we jog, but it's not the same! Our bodies can do so much more! They can hang from trees. We evolved from monkeys after all. Actually, konging felt really primal and animalistic, and it only works if you throw yourself forward. No holding back. Which is my philosophy on life these days anyway.

Go climb a! Go. Stop reading this and find a tree and hoist yerself into yon branches. Seriously, it's fun.



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